Sunday, March 25, 2012

Upcycle those old t-shirts into market bags

Do you have old t-shirts that you don't wear but can't bring yourself to throw away? Here's a great idea, upscale them into shopping bags. T-shirts make great shopping bags, they are stretchy and will hold a great deal.

Keep for yourself to use at the grocery store or farmer's market or give away, they make great gifts.

Step one - Cut out the sleeve

Step two - Cut out the neck binding, do not throw this away. You can also use the hemmed edge of the sleeve.

Step three - Fold the neck binding in half and pin to the outside corner of the bottom of the t-shirt. This will make the tab that allows you to roll your market bag up and put in your purse.

Step four - Stay stitch along the arm holes for reinforcement as well as around the neck opening. For a neater looking project you can use a ziz zag stitch or turn under.

Step five - Turn your t-shirt inside out and sew across the bottom. Now you have your basic bag.

Turn right side out. Now you can fold the bag into thirds, roll up and tie with the tab you created from the neck binding.

You're ready to go shopping!

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